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We're here to answer your questions.
What is the install process?
Once you’ve signed up with your chosen broadband provider we’ll send a member of the team out to survey the outside of your property and plan the route to bring our fibre network to your house. This will be agreed with you prior to any works starting to ensure you’re happy with everything. We’ll send a civils crew down to connect you to our network and an install team will arrive on your chosen date to connect you to our full-fibre network.
Who do we buy broadband services from?
MS3 works with providers who supply broadband packages over our networks. Once your property is connected and Full-Fibre services are available, providers may contact you directly or you can use our availability checker, where you can find out which providers are available. We expect other providers to join our network soon.
You were building on my street, but I haven't heard anything since, when can I get connected?
The time it takes to build our network in each location varies depending on the size of the area, the construction technique and any complications with installation. While you will see our teams actively building in your area, there are other elements required to make services available. Please check our availability checker to see when its available in your area.
What does MS3 do?
As a fully wholesale network operator MS3 designs, builds, owns and operates full fibre networks as we build for over 500,000 premises.
I wish to complain about a telecommunications pole that you have already installed near my home, how do I do this?
If a telecommunications pole has already been deployed and you wish to complain, we ask that in the first instance you complete a pole objection form, you can request this by email - please send your request to
Your complaint will be assessed within 2 working days, and a response will be issued to you via email within 10 working days. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you are in your rights to apply to the courts to have this heard formally under the: Notice of objection to electronic communications apparatus kept on or over land under the electronic communications code.
If you put a telecommunications pole or a cabinet outside my house, can I move it?
No, it is an offence to move or interfere with any telecommunications equipment and in doing so, you could find yourself liable for prosecution.
Why can't you use existing KCOM infrastructure?
Throughout the UK, the sharing of infrastructure is normal practice, and MS3 Networks continue to work with KCOM on a commercial agreement to allow the sharing of infrastructure in Hull and The East Riding. Due to commercial sensitivities, we are unable to disclose where we are at with this process but can reassure residents that once an agreement is made that is viable for both parties, this would be our preferred build method. Until an agreement is in place, MS3 Networks will continue with its network deployment in these areas.
Will you send me a letter and inform me of when you will be commencing works?
We aim to send a letter to all residents prior to the build commencement date informing you that we will be in your area soon. We also work closely with local councils, parish councils and community groups, to provide information and answer questions before building work commences. The letters, along with the notices that you will see on street furniture, placed 28 days prior to the build, will give you the details required to contact us if you have any concerns.
What could the deployment of telecommunications poles on my street do to house prices?
Lack of network diversity may in fact have a negative impact on house prices, rental options and limit market appeal. With the increasing reliance in today’s digital age for reliable high-speed internet, having an alternative provider could only make properties more desirable to a potential buyer. There is no evidence to show that by having a telecommunications pole on your street would reduce the value of your home.
Are telecommunications poles bad for the environment?
MS3 Networks recently announced a partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain, a renowned organisation that allows individuals and businesses to offset their carbon footprints. Through this initiative, MS3 Networks have successfully measured and offset their carbon footprint, earning certification as a Carbon Neutral Business. As part of this partnership, we continuously measure the environmental outputs throughout our business, including telecommunications pole deployment. We continuously look at ways to reduce any environmental risks and are always open to feedback on this.
What do I do if I am thinking of applying for a drop kerb or have applied for a drop kerb already?
During the notification period prior to the build, contact details are provided for residents to get in touch with any objections. This will be in the form of a notice positioned on street furniture or a notification letter delivered to your address. If you have applied for a drop kerb to the local authority, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible with the approved application number and the date on which this was approved. Please note that the application for a drop kerb must have been approved for the consideration of the relocation of a telecommunications pole.
What do we do if we have access concerns due to disability?
For residents who have access concerns due to disability or similar, please email us at with full details of your concerns. For access during the build, there is always a member of the team on site who will be happy to assist by moving any installation items that may restrict access for a short time.
Will you try to access my private land to install a telecommunications pole?
Once we have established via the land registry that this is private land, we are only able to gain access with the landowner’s permission, which would be managed by our wayleaves team. We do from time to time hear from residents who are under the understanding that they own a piece of land that they may have maintained, or similar, which is actually a service strip for utilities. In these scenarios, under our permitted development rights we are authorised to install a telecommunications pole, however, we will be as considerate as we can be and assess these on a case-by-case basis.
Why are you placing a telecommunications pole outside my house and not my neighbours?
During our infrastructure design process, we take many factors into account to establish where a telecommunications pole is to be installed. Our preference it to install telecommunications poles on grass verges, if a grass verge is not viable, we will aim to install at a setback location on the footpath, ideally between premise boundaries. To ensure we allow sufficient access for pedestrians, including those with prams or mobility vehicles. We also aim to ensure a minimum of 500mm separation from edge of kerbs to reduce potential impact on parking adjacent to the telecommunications poles. We also take into consideration the line of sight to connect a property from the telecommunications pole and avoid any traffic or similar signs that could deem them a hazard, and that their location does not impact on any other utility. During our engagement with residents and via notices that will be displayed prior, and during the build, residents will be provided with information on how to contact MS3 Networks if a concern is felt about it's planned location.
What criteria must be met for MS3 Networks to consider the relocation of a telecommunications pole?
Any objections must meet at least one of the following criteria to be considered, and be submitted to us via our Pole Objection Policy which can be accessed here.
• The location of a telecommunications pole impacts upon a person with a disability (we may request proof of disability).
• The location of a telecommunications pole impacts upon access to a resident’s driveway.
• A resident has planning approved for a dropped kerb with the local council and can provide evidence.
• A telecommunications pole is blocking a road sign.
• A telecommunications pole is located adjacent to or obstructing a monument.
• A telecommunications pole is planned or installed on private land without a wayleave.
Why deploy full fibre using telecommunication poles, and not underground infrastructure?
To enable MS3 Networks to roll out an alternative network for residents it is much more cost effective, quicker, and more accessible to use telecommunication poles. MS3 Networks are offering residents and businesses significant cost savings on their current broadband bills, so by keeping build costs low, we can pass more of these savings on. The telecommunication pole build process is also much quicker, meaning we are in and out of your street within a matter of days with no requirement to excavate or reinstate highways. Telecommunication poles are also much easier to maintain, if there is a need for repairs or maintenance, we do not need to dig up footbaths or roads and can quickly resolve any issues. Lastly the final installation process for those customers wanting to connect is much less intrusive, as it’s a case of connecting a cable to the property rather than having to dig a trench through the garden or drive as required where underground infrastructure is present.
I live in a conservation area; can you install telecommunication poles here?
Yes, we do deploy telecommunication poles in conservation areas or design a hybrid approach where it is reasonably practical. However, to enable us to do this, in the first instance we provide the Local Authority with a clear proposal explaining why the use of telecommunication poles has been preferred to an underground build. We only submit a permit application once this has been assessed and approved by the local planning department. Whereas the preferred default build method for conservation areas would be underground, this is not always possible due to factors that may include old tree trunks, very narrow highways or similar.
How do I find out where a telecommunication pole is scheduled to be installed on my street?
For any queries relating to the location of telecommunication poles on your street, you can email us at for further information and a member of the team will be happy to help.
Do you need to obtain planning permission for the installation of telecommunication poles?
MS3 Networks work in line with the Electronic Communications Code (ECC) meaning we are authorised to deploy telecommunication poles under Permitted Development Rights without the need to obtain planning permission. Permitted Development rights were awarded to telecommunications providers to support the UK governments initiative on connecting 99% of the UK with full fibre by 2030 without added bureaucracy.
What is the Legislation for the installation of telecommunication poles?
MS3 Networks are an operator under the Electronic Communications Code, Schedule 3A Communications Act 2003 (“Code”). As such, MS3 Networks are a statutory undertaker for the purposes of carrying out street works in the public highway under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, in much the same way as other utility providers such as gas, electricity and water. Code operators are afforded Permitted Development rights under Part 16 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, and therefore no planning permission is required for the types of telecommunication poles that MS3 Networks are installing. Further information can be found here:
Can you connect my property if I live on a private road?
For properties that are situated on private roads we will need to gain written permission from the landowner before we can conduct any works connecting to your property. Please contact us if you are interested in getting connected on privately owned land with your landlord or managing agents details and we will be happy to discuss a plan for getting connected.
Will you need to dig up my garden or driveway for the network to be installed on my property?
Our teams will not disturb anything on your property during the construction work phase. A small black connection box will be placed on the boundary of your property or a nearby telecommunications pole. Once you sign up to be part of the network through one of our trusted partners our installers will work with you to agree the best installation route to connect your property, reinstating everything as it was at completion.
Will I have access to get in and out of my house whilst construction is taking place?
Our teams will ensure that you will be able to access your property whilst any construction work is being undertaken. During construction our team may need to dig a narrow trench in the pavement outside your home, but they will cover this to allow access if necessary. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask the team onsite they will be happy to help.
What time of the day does construction work take place?
Our construction teams work to hours agreed with the local authority, with no loud works starting before 8am. Our teams will do everything they can to keep disruption to a minimum.
What will happen during the build?
To minimise disruption and complete works as quickly as possible, we use a wide range of modern construction methods and use existing underground ducts wherever possible. In the majority of cases we work typically no more than two to three days outside each property.
When are you building in our area?
Whilst we roll out our fibre network as quickly as possible some areas will be available before others. In the lead up to works commencing in your area you will receive a letter informing you of when this will happen. You can also keep up to date with our progress on our social media channels.
How do I report feedback / a complaint about your network build?
We are always happy to hear from you and would request you call us on our feedback lines:
For underground works please call: 0808 175 0486
For overground work including telegraph poles, please call: 01482 259109
Do MS3 Networks have any vacancies?
The MS3 Networks team is expanding rapidly to match the needs of our Ultrafast Fibre roll out. If you are interested in a career at MS3 Networks, please check out our careers page.
Do MS3 Networks sell broadband packages?
MS3 Networks provide the high speed infrastructure for Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) to connect homes and businesses with Ultrafast Fibre. To see which partner ISP’s are available in your area please enter your postcode in the postcode checker below.
Who are MS3 Networks and what do they do?
MS3 Networks was created to challenge this status quo and finally bring competition to the Hull and Northern England connectivity market. Having received significant investment, MS3 Networks are rolling out FTTP Ultrafast FIbre to over 500,00 homes and businesses across Hull and Northern England made available by their trusted partner network.
Get in touch
Have an enquiry? Our expert team are on hand to answer your questions.
01482 736133